What photographers do when roommates move out...

Its been two months since we've yet to fill our room here in SF. When roommates move out, that means only one thing to me > PHOTO STUDIO!!!< I got some lights, some wine and danced away. My friends may think> wow she really loves taking photos of herself! yes... and no.

1) I seem to be the only person who can take a picture of me with out it coming out like I look 5 lbs over weight or that my nose runs my face. This give me photos to use and also helps me see how to get angles right, even if I am using myself it is a really good way to visualize what works and what doesn't. 

2) It's fun! and it gives me great ideas! Most of my creative shoots come from me just messing around with my camera :)  

3) Sometimes just something amazingly funny comes out of a sesh, like this photo below. I dub "Girl Imitates Poultry" 

4) It's practice, practice, practice! Its one thing to see photos and want to replicate the lighting of effect, its another thing to put that brain to use and figure it out. Photos below I was testing out a giant china ball for fill lighting.

And as of yesterday we officially have filled the room! So far for my studio.. lol but very happy to welcome our new housemate! And glad I took the time out to play around while I could! Never let a empty room go to waste!